Next batch soon.

All the orders have been delivered and so far I haven’t had any reported major issues with any orders, so that’s great to see people enjoying their new controllers! So what comes next? Well, we are still working on a lot of things at once (including a video guide for the FSR software). The next batch is right around the corner, all of the wiring and electronics and base have been completed, once a few more parts arrive orders will go up again. There are a few improvements to the design that I will document in the next update post.

The next step after that is moving into a new warehouse location! The plan is to have a full warehouse setup to be able to produce not just dance controllers but controllers for other arcade titles, right now I’m looking into making a custom Guitar Hero controller that uses FSR sensors instead of the typical mechanical box keys you typically find in most custom setups. Honestly, as a gamer, something that has always bothered me is the button sensitivity has never been exactly as I wanted, whether I’m using a 360 controller, a PS5 controller, or anything else, it doesn’t feel how I want, so I figure instead of gearing towards mechanical keys like everyone else is doing, I’d rather make a more unique button and use analog inputs for sensitivity control.

I mean, why not? Adjusting how sensitive buttons are is a feature that has practical applications in any game really. That’s something I found that was highly underutilized in the PS2 controller and then later abandoned in future iterations, which was pressure sensitive buttons. It was originally billed as a way to increase immersion by having the game respond to the players physical reaction to how hard they were gripping the controller, but I think it’s true strength was over looked, which is just setting buttons to react as you desire. So instead of having to tediously swap out different keys to change the responsiveness, you could just do it in software, just like with the dance controller.

But before we venture into that, first we will be completing the development of the full sized EX mat, and begin production after we finish setting up the warehouse, so expect to see some updates as we setup shop, we’ll be giving a little tour of the place after everything is together.

Thank you so much to everyone who has ordered or even just mentioned us or provided words of encouragement. I love gaming and being able to contribute to the industry is a real passion I’m happy to fulfill. Well, anyways, back to soldering…


Galaxi Mat EX & Updates


Next orders shipping in a few days & Plans for next release.